Rolofson Scholarship
The William B. and Virginia S. Rolofson Scholarship was established in 2005. William (Bill) and Virginia both attended Belmont Elementary and Lincoln High School. Bill graduated from the Nebraska School of Agriculture at the University of Nebraska. He was a farmer and rural mail carrier for 30 years and later became the head custodian at Dawes Junior High School. Virginia earned a music teaching certificate from the University of Nebraska and was the Activities Director for the Belmont Community Center for 20 years. Bill and Virginia realized that education was the key to one’s future and quietly imparted “you can do it” encouragement to help youth achieve their dreams.
To apply, you must be a graduating high school senior or former high school graduate who has not previously attended any post-secondary college/university as a full-time student. You must be planning to attend a qualified, accredited two-year or four-year university or college in Nebraska and be pursuing full-time studies. There will be preference given to applicants under the age of 25. You must demonstrate financial need and you must be a member of St. Luke United Methodist Church (formerly known as Lincoln Heights Methodist Church) in Lincoln, Nebraska.
REQUIRED WITH APPLICATION: High school transcript(s) (copies of transcripts are acceptable) and three (3) references’ e-mail addresses. References will be notified to fill out an online form. References must be teachers, counselors, case workers, clergy, employers, neighbors, etc. (references from family members are not acceptable). One reference must be from the Pastor at St. Luke United Methodist Church in Lincoln, Nebraska. You must also provide the first page of your FAFSA Report.