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Prayer Shawl Ministry

What are prayer shawls?

A prayer shawl can be a shawl, lap blanket, baby blanket or even a baby lovie.  They can be knitted, crocheted, quilted or sewn.  The prayer shawls are made with prayer.  The maker of the shawl prays before, during and after they work on the shawl.  The prayer is asking for God’s blessing on the makers and receivers of the shawls and His guidance as we work.  The purpose of the prayer shawl is to give someone a tangible example of God’s love and care.  Before giving a shawl to an individual they are blessed by the entire congregation of the Church.

The Prayer Shawl group has made a total of 31 prayer shawls that have been blessed by the entire congregation or by the Prayer Shawl group or the Women Fellowship group. 

Who receives these shawls?

Individuals in need of strength while undergoing medical procedures individuals in need of comfort after a loss; or, individuals in need of peace and patience during an illness and recovery.  The prayer shawl can also be given for celebrations such as baptisms, wedding anniversaries or retirements.  There are endless possibilities!


How can you take part in this great ministry?


The great thing about this ministry is that anyone can participate.  If the idea of making an item for someone that carries such meaning appeals to you, please consider becoming a part of our ministry.  We meet the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM at one of the member's homes.  We meet regularly to share tips, to teach and help the new knitters and crocheters and to enjoy fellowship. If you are unable to attend meetings, but would still like to take part, you can make your shawls in the comfort of your home and bring them to the group for the blessing.  

What if I’m not crafty but want to take part?

Monetary donations are always accepted.  The supplies for each shawl can cost upwards of $30, so your donations greatly help purchase yarn and supplies to continue making and delivering shawls.  If you have a yarn stash you would like to share with us, donations are gladly accepted.  

If you wish to go out and purchase new yarn please purchase 4-5 skeins (or approximately 740 -1200 yards) of the same color/dye lot of soft, washable yarn.  We also need your help by letting us know if you or anyone else you know could benefit from a prayer shawl.  And as always, the most important thing you can do to help bless this ministry is to keep us in your prayers.

For additional information regarding the Prayer Shawl Ministry, please contact the Church office.

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